April 13, 2012

It's spring, darlings! (In NYC anyway..)

Let's just say that if there was ever a time not to blog, it was during the darkest months of the year. Now it's like I've awoken from a blog-free sleep and all of a sudden, it's spring! I'm in love with this new outfit from H&M (everything is available in stores now!) even though it isn't my typical style. It's a bit mainstream, I'll admit, but topped off with my mom's vintage Wayfarers and my new favorite hairstyle, a braided ponytail, I think it still carries my signature. To quote the ever-fabulous Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada, flowers for spring isn't exactly groundbreaking, but it makes me happy so I don't really care! The most important trends are the ones we set for ourselves and feel comfortable in and that's what's going to make you stand out even in the most fashionable of crowds.

This is what I wore yesterday when I explored New York's cozy Greenwich Village. All H&M except for a Zara belt.

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